Christmas, Gift Idea, Graphic Design, Holiday

Muppets Animal Print

We grew up listening to John Denver & the Muppets Christmas CD, so it is by far my favorite holiday music. If you are a follower of my blog, you know that I love to do graphic design. This Christmas I made my sister a print with Animal and a quote from one of our favorite songs, Little Saint Nick.

If you listen to the song you hear Animal screaming during the refrain, “RUN, RUN, REINDEER!”

With that in mind, here is the print I designed and framed for Em for Christmas.


I designed the Santa Animal in Illustrator, then brought it into InDesign and added the striped background and text.

Emily loved it and I totally want to print one for myself for next year! Super freakin’ cute.

Graphic Design

Mobile Togs phone cases

I hinted a few weeks ago that I had an exciting new opportunity/project in the works and yesterday I got the email I’d been waiting for!  Four of my graphic designs are being printed onto phone cases for a company called Mobile Togs.

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It’s a pretty neat opportunity for me and I am pretty pumped that they reached out to feature my artwork.

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We chose four designs. My first choice was my Do What You Love print. So many people have reached out to me to ask about printing this design, so it seemed like a great design to pick.



We also chose my Maryland state love print.


The third print we went with was one of my Adventures with Remmy the Dog. I had to tweak this a bit to make it fit on the phone just right, but it is so flippin’ adorable!


The last design we chose is one that I haven’t even shared with you guys yet! I’ve been working on a whole suite of animal prints for my Etsy shop and decided to choose one of the critters for the phone cases.


The cases are pretty cool. They have a slot to slick your IDs or credit cards, which is awesome for metro riders or students who need to carry their IDs/card everywhere with them. They also have mirrors at the back (that’s why you see the grayed out corner on the cases — that means the designs are printed on the mirrored surface!). You can pick any color with any design, too.

I’m so excited to finally share this on my blog. It’s been tough keeping it a secret 🙂