
Home sweet home

I cannot believe I forgot to share the darling illustration I created of my house. I made this last month after working on a similar project for work, and I just adore it.


How stinkin’ cute, right?

I designed this one of my building at work for a giant poster right when you walk in the building.


I think they are so charming. I am tossing up the idea of selling them on my shop — not that folks want to buy an image of my house (creepy!), but I could do theirs! So cute.

Speaking of designing things, I have exciting news! At the end of the summer I am going back to school to get my master’s degree in publications design. I am pretty freakin’ excited about it. Also terrified because, you know… homework. Haven’t done that in five years. But on the whole, I’m pumped for all of the awesome things I’m about to learn. In fact, I’ve started dreaming in Photoshop and inDesign — anyone else do that? It’s like I am editing my dreams. Strange, but cool.

Speaking of my sweet home, my pride and joy, my garden, is doing phenomenal. this season. Last night I made my first batch of pizza sauce from some 50+ tomatoes I picked over the weekend.


I also and the proud grower of a watermelon! Brian wants to pick it so badly, but I think it needs a few more days. I have never been so pumped to have grown something in my life haha.Watermleon

In other news, B and I just got back from a weekend trip to Buffalo, NY. My family had a family reunion and we had a great time.

I’ve got a few furniture projects I want to finish before the summer is over and I get crazy busy with school — a dresser and two nightstands to be exact. Here’s hoping I can find the time and cool weather to tackle each project!

Graphic Design

Doggy Silhouette

Remmy is the funniest dog on this earth, I swear. He has been cracking me up lately with his love affair with the snow. We had about 8 inches on the ground, causing my crazy dog to go even crazier the second his paws touched the stuff. He bounded through snow like he may never see it again, taking breaks only to chomp down large bites of frozen goodness.

We were trapped inside most of last Thursday because of the snowstorm, but I made sure to take the pup out for a walk trudge through the fresh snow since he loves it so much. We walked about a mile, which was exhausting with no path cleared out. And man did Remmy enjoy every second of it.

I call Remmy my shadow dog because he is always by my side in the house. Since we were stuck indoors a lot of last week, my little shadow dog was my inspiration for a new print.

I found a photo of him from last spring and created a doggy silhouette using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I had a little bit of practice with this technique at work a few weeks ago, and am happy to say I’m getting pretty good at it! Here’s the print I came up with for Rem’s silhouette.

Remmy Silhouette

I excitedly emailed this to Brian, who like it but told me right away that Rem’s face was too short — turns out he was right and I had used a photo with the pup’s head turned a little away. Good work, huh? I found another photo with Rem at a true profile, but his tongue was hanging out. So…. I took the nose from one and compiled it with the nose from the other to create this version, which I think looks great. I also tweaked other parts of the design, as you’ll see.

Remmy Silhouette_final

I took off the outline from the oval and recreated the banner in illustrator to have no outlines, too. I also added in the new silhouette and changed all blacks to a super dark gray (95% black). I like the gray better than the stark contrast of the 100% black.

I’ve always liked cameos and I like that silhouettes are pretty much the 2D version of a cameo. But I don’t like my own silhouette (probably a strange thing to not like, but whatever). Remmy, on the other hand, is cute no matter which angle you look at him — the perks of being a dog!

What do you think? Would you want a doggy silhouette of your pup?

Interior Decorating

Pillow Talk

I mentioned in my post yesterday that one of my areas of focus for my living room is adding punches of color. I have set my sights on finding the perfect pillows for my mint couch that aren’t just some shade of mint or gray. It’s been a challenge because the mint couch has a dingy gray tone to it that is incredibly noticeable when next to bright fabrics.


I spent some time in Photoshop to try to get a better feel for how some of these pillows will actually look against the couch. Here’s what I came up with:

Option 1 pulls in some navy, green and coral. I love the poppy pillow and I think it will look really nice with the mint and teal chevron pillows I already have on the couch. I also like that the base of the pillow is white, so they are bright. I love the navy pillows, but since I am trying to brighten the space I think I’ll stay away from these for now.


Option 2 is just the poppy pillow. It pulls out the grays in my other pillows and makes the poppy pillow the true statement on the couch.


Option 3 adds in a pillow with no mint or teal at all. *Gasp* And I like it! I like that both accent pillows have flowers, but not in the same way.


Here’s a bunch of the other pillows I “tried” on the couch. I love each of them, but not on the couch (and certainly not together). The pillow in the center is the one I was originally going to purchase, but once I “tried” it on the couch, I’m not so crazy about it anymore. Glad I pillow tested.


My last option is buying two of the poppy pillow. I think I’m going to buy just one first (it comes in many different sizes from this Etsy shop) to make sure I like it in person. If that works out, I might add additional pillows.


As silly as it seems, I actually think having the coral on the couch is going to change the room a lot. If I learned anything from my class, it’s that color can make or break a room. Time to get my colors just right!