Craft Projects, Quick and Easy Crafts

Wine charms

As a second project for this past weekend’s craft night, my girlfriends and I made a few sets of wine charms. These charms are super quick and easy to make, and they make great gifts (**hint hint** Mother’s Day is this weekend!).


  • Hoop earring wires (can be found at any craft store)
  • Beads
  • Charms

Note: You either need different-colored accent beads or different charms. For my two sets of wine charms, I used the same charms and different colors. So my guests will have to remember the color of their charm. If you have different charms, your guests will have to remember the charm they chose instead of a color.

Here’s what the hoop looks like before.

Add your beads onto the hoop wire.

Next, add a jump ring onto your charm, then place it where you’d like it to sit on the wine charm.

The last step is the take pliers and bend the open end of the wire into a 90 degree angle. This will allow the charm to close by placing the angled end into the closed eye hole. It will also keep the beads from falling off the charms.

We had a really great time making these during craft night. I made two sets: A Pi Beta Phi set for my big sister Allie (Surprise! I’ll mail them to you soon.) and a set of turtle charms for my coworker Alissa. Alissa and I are both HUGE turtle fans because we are Terps! We ❤ Testudo!


Amy and Carrie made two sets each. They had a fantastic time sifting through my five bead boxes and then through my beads-to-get-rid-of bag.  Check out our cute wine charm sets!

Amy made the yellow flower set (top left) and the white bead set (bottom right). Carrie made the heart set (bottom center) and the very blue set (top right).

You can use your wine charms to decorate the wine bottles that you have open for your guests! Or, you can simply use them as wine charms (duh!).

Does your mom like wine? Make her these simple charms for Mother’s Day! Personalize them with charms and colors she would love. If your mom is anything like mine, she will LOVE them.

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