Graphic Design

Be the good in the world

Do you ever have those days when you just don’t feel like doing anything? Today is one of those days for me. I am totally pooped from participating in Beer Olympics last night. The hubby had his friends over for some Olympic watching fun, and I “participated,” drinking all of two beers (gross) and staying up until 2 a.m. Thankfully, we cleaned the house yesterday and tidying up today was easy. AND, I brought my MAC home! So, I am crafting on my computer today and taking it easy.

Tomorrow it will be back to work. Brian and I are going to take down part of our old fence and I plan on spraying the back yard one last time for poison ivy. I have the smallest patch of poison ivy on my foot and I’m not sure whether I got it from our yard or the river walk last weekend. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

I also want to start staining the coffee table my dad gave me last weekend. I think it’s going to look really nice once it’s a little darker, so hopefully my energy and motivation will return tomorrow full force.

Today I made a new graphic design print. I think I might want to do a gallery-style wall in our living room of several of the prints I’ve designed. Would it be tacky to have nice quotes and sayings on our living room walls? I can’t decided. Either way, here’s the print I designed today.

This one is fun, combining two nice thoughts in one using different shades of purple: “Believe there is good in the world” and “Be the good in the world.” I won’t claim to have thought of that  myself, but I also couldn’t tell you where I saw it done originally. I used a new font I recently downloaded called Made with B.

I also changed the colors around so the hidden saying pops more. Which do you like better?

I think I prefer version two to version one.

Well, time to go to a neighbor’s  going away bash at my  Dad’s house. Enjoy your Saturday and your weekend!

Graphic Design

Words to live by

Sometimes you just have to go for it.

Graphic Design

Nothing is impossible

I stumbled across this quote from Winston Churchill on a website created to collect words of support and donations for one of my older sister’s best friends. He and his family are going through a really tough time, but are constantly being supported by their friends, families, coworkers, etc. I thought this quote was particularly inspiring, especially considering the amount of support the family has gotten and the trials they’ve already overcome.

“If we are together, nothing is impossible.” – Winston Churchill

So if you or someone you know is in need of some words of encouragement, wisdom, inspiration, etc., feel free to download this free printable and hang it up where you will see it and be reminded that nothing is impossible with the love and support of those who matter.

Check back tomorrow for an update on the wooden trunk I am refinishing! It’s been primed twice and is ready for some color!