
Creative Rut

I am in a creative rut. I think it is partially because it’s winter, partially because my craft room is a mess (which I am slowly fixing), and partially because I am trying to cook healthier foods, which requires so much freakin’ time. Either way, my creative juices are not flowing. So lame.

Between bathing my stinky dog…

Remmy tub

Wet dog

… trying out bread recipes (some good, some disgusting)…


… putting away gifts from Christmas (yes, still working on that in my craft room)…


… and playing with this guy in the snow…Snow Rem

Well, I just haven’t had time to do anything it seems. I guess everyone goes through a rut every once in a while, but boy is it annoying. (Side note… is r-u-t actually how you spell “rut?” Merriam-Webster doesn’t seem to think this word means what I think it means. According to them, rut: an annually recurrent state of sexual excitement in the male deer; broadly : sexual excitement in a mammal especially when periodic. … Interesting.)


In other news, I’ve got a bunch of fun new stuff to work with. I spent a while unravelling thread from some old, wooden spools the other day. I can’t decide what I want to do with them quite yet, but they sure are charming. I am also fully stocked on glitter, as I showed you earlier. That should be fun to work with.

Well, that’s all. I wanted to explain what was going on in my idea-filled-but-inspiration-lacking brain.

Also, is it Spring yet?

Maybe a new post about crafts tomorrow if I can give myself the kick in the butt I need to be creative again.

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